( Funny dialogue between man and his dog ) More than 166 Million views !!

  12:18    Libellés : 
Note : we update video information every week !!
Video Name : Ultimate Dog Tease
Video Qualities : 140p, 280p, 360p, 480p
Posted Online : Published on May 1, 2011
Video Duration : 1 minutes 20 seconds
Views More than 166,406,014
Likes About 700,167
Dislikes About 15,137
 Description This video is one of the YouTube Rewind 2011 videos !! he get number three on the list which consists of ten videos !! The idea of the video is very simple, but it made him one of the best videos on year 2011 !! The idea is making a conversation between a man and his dog about eating !! This funny idea has been raised admiration of a lot of viewers on YouTube, she's got more than 691,950 likes !! Which means that it has achieved a great success  !! This video of 1 minutes and 20 seconds has been viewed more than 166 million times on YouTube and get more than 700,167 Likes !!

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