( PEOPLE ARE AWESOME 2014 ) More than 3 million views !!

  10:21    Libellés : 
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Video Name : PEOPLE ARE AWESOME 2014
Video Qualities : 140p, 280p, 360p, 480p, 720p (HD),
1080p (Full HD)
Posted Online : Published on Dec 16, 2014
Video Duration : 3 minutes 04 seconds
Views More than 3,492,512
Likes About 17,391
Dislikes About 221
 Description : This video of 3 minutes combines a lot of the best videos !! Only the best athletes and adventurers participated in this video !! In the first section of the video we see a dangerous moves like a guy jumping from high place with the Extreme Pogo and other guy do somersault on the highest building without any safe equipment !! This shows us how wonderful is this video !! On description you find the links where you can see all the videos which has been integrated in this video !! This video of 3 minutes has been viewed more than 3 million times on YouTube !!

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