( Superman With a GoPro ) This video scored 16 Million views !!

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Video Name : Superman With a GoPro
Video Qualities : 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p (HD), 1080p (Full HD)
Posted Online : Published on Mar 17, 2014
Video Duration : 3 minutes 17 seconds
Views More than 16,428,115
Likes About 348,867
Dislikes About 5,400
 Description :  This amazing video on youtube which is named " Superman With a GoPro " is one of the best videos, on youtube !! At the beginning of the video, the man who wears a Superman suit Puts on his head, camera record what he sees in his journey to deliver a package wrote on it (If found , return to this address...) !! in his flight, he encountered two problems !! the first one was a gang, armed and the second one was a woman ask for help from above a burning building !! he help both of them and Complete his flight to deliver the package !! This video of 3 minutes and 17 seconds has been viewed more than 16 million times on YouTube, and gets more than 345,200 Likes !!

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