( World's Largest Rope Swing ) More than 24 Million views !!

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Video Name : World's Largest Rope Swing
Video Qualities : 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p (HD), 1080p (Full HD)
Posted Online : Published on Feb 15, 2012
Video Duration : 2 minutes 54 seconds
Views More than 24,938,510
Likes About 196,194
Dislikes About 2,997
 Description :  This amazing video on youtube which is named " World's Largest Rope Swing " is one of the best videos, on YouTube !! Many talented young people were doing crazy jump from above of a very large rock !! Some of the jumps was very dangerous to do !! But nothing will be difficult for professionals !! Everyone was happy to doing this crazy jumps !! It also shows us in the video a lot of enthusiasm and how great is this feeling, it's like flying !! This video of 2 minutes and 54 seconds has been viewed more than 24 million times on YouTube, and gets more than 194,800 Likes !!

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