( Skydive Dubai - May 2011 ) More than 19 Million views !!

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Note : we update video information every week !!
Video Name : Skydive Dubai - May 2011
Video Qualities : 280p, 360p, 480p, 720p (HD)
Posted Online : Published on Jun 19, 2011
Video Duration : 9 minutes 19 seconds
Views More than 19,642,962
Likes About 89,335
Dislikes About 1,932
 Description : Be ready to watch this amazing video on youtube which is named "Skydive Dubai - May 2011" !! This video which includes one week of skydiving over one of the most beautiful drop zone of the world is one of the best videos on youtube !! More than 19 million people have seen the video on youtube and they like it too !! This experiment is one of the most beautiful and wonderful experiences that you can not forget in your life !! 
This video of 9 minutes and 19 seconds has been viewed more than 19 million times on youtube, and get more than 87,403 Likes !!

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