( Slip and Slide LAUNCH RAMP ) More than 5 Million views !!

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Video Name : Slip and Slide LAUNCH RAMP!
Video Qualities : 280p, 360p, 480p, 720p (HD), 1080p (Full HD)
Posted Online : Published on Oct 3, 2013
Video Duration : 2 minutes 46 seconds
Views More than 5,652,491
Likes About 49,101
Dislikes About 892
 Description : This video which is named "Slip and Slide LAUNCH RAMP" is one of the amazing videos on youtube !! This video includes several clips contain beautiful adventure and very vital times !! A group of young people gather for one thing, which is to enjoy life in unique ways !! As you will see in the video, the ambience which these young people live in the pool was very enthusiastic and great !! And taht by adding a simple idea turned this big and boring swimming pool to best one at all !! This video of 2 minutes and 46 seconds has been viewed more than 5 million times on youtube, and get more than 48,346 Likes !!

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