( Crazy Guy Runs Into Tornado To Take Selfie ) More than 6 Million !!

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Video Name : Crazy Guy Runs Into Outback Tornado To Take Selfie
Video Qualities : 280p, 360p, 480p, 720p (HD)
Posted Online : Published on Aug 19, 2014
Video Duration : 1 minutes 12 seconds
Views More than 6,529,089
Likes About 25,269
Dislikes About 4,212
 Description :  This crazy video on youtube which is named " Crazy Guy Runs Into Outback Tornado To Take Selfie " This video is one of the audacious videos, on youtube !! This guy in the video was on the way into his car, where he encountered a storm beside the road !! Awad to escape from the tornado as it does all the people, he got out of his car and went to the storm to take a picture with it (selfie) !! His crazy behavior indicates that he is indifferent to results !! he does not care about the danger that can surrounded !!
This video of 1 minutes and 12 seconds has been viewed more than 6 million times on YouTube, and gets more than 21,700 Likes !!

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