( Baby Dancing to Beyonce - ORIGINAL ) This video scored 36 Million views !!

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Video Name : Baby Dancing to Beyonce - ORIGINAL !
Video Qualities : 140p, 280p, 360p, 480p
Posted online : Uploaded on Jan 26, 2009
Video Duration : 2 minutes 48 seconds
Views : More than 36,545,642
Likes : About 72,273
Dislikes : About 2,665
 Description : The father here take this opportunity of watching his young son who aged 2 years dancing to the rhythm of dance shows on television, to film his little boy !!  he has published the video on the YouTube at 2009, the father surprised when he saw the big number of views and how much comment !!  this little boy has been one of famous boys on youtube with his dance ! This video of two minutes has been viewed more than 36 million times and more than 72200 Likes.

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