Mercedes CLS 63 AMG (Carlsson) TOP SPEED 333 km/h !!

  08:25    Libellés : 
Note : we update video information every week !!
Video Name : Carlsson CLS 63 652 PS 0-333 km/h CK63 RS
Mercedes AMG Top Speed Tuning Test sport auto
Video Qualities : 140p, 280p, 360p, 480p, 720p (HD)
Posted Online : Published on Nov 15, 2012
Video Duration : 2 minutes 08 seconds
Views More than 1,240,451
Likes About 1,787
Dislikes About 78
 Description : If you're looking for the best and the fastest cars, the Mercedes AMG it's the best option for you !! Mercedes-AMG always focus on athletic performance and higher control and excellence in the design of the cars, and the result is a unique car puts it performed compared to those at the top !! Mercedes is available on a very powerful engine !! In this video the Carlsson CLS 63 has been record 333 km/h and this is top speed of this car !! This video of 2 minutes has been viewed more than 1 million times and get more than 1,639 Likes !!

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