( Susan Boyle - Britains Got Talent ) scored more then 164 millions views !!

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Video Name : Susan Boyle - Britains Got Talent 2009 Episode 1
Video Qualities : 140p, 280p, 360p
Posted online : April 11, 2009
Views : More than 164,684,808
Likes : About 450,801
Dislikes : About 15,007
Description : Human May appear with a very unusual appearance, that do not draw attention !! But behind this appearance we may find incredible things, Things very precious ! and this what Susan Boyle show it to the judges and audience and all people around the world on Britain's Got Talent !
When Susan Boyle enter the stage, she tell the judges that she dream to be a professional singer, all audience being made fun of this Britain's Got Talent for her age and frumpy appearance ! after one moment She unexpectedly brought all of them to applauds to her voice !! even the judges change their mind about her Talent !!
This video has been viewed more than 164 million times

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