( Gangnam Style dance - Mom and Son ) More than 29 MILLION views !!

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Video Name : 'Gangnam Style' Mom and Son !!
Video Qualities : 140p, 280p, 360p, 480p, 720p (HD)
Posted online : Published on Sep 19, 2012
Video Duration : 3 minutes 19 seconds
Views : More than 29,544,378
Likes About 179,278
Dislikes About 5,737
Description This video talk about a mom and her son who performed the Gangam style dance , they do it as a team , the son is obviously talented as a dancer , as well as we see in the video . His mom asked her to teach her how to dance. Mike even his small age teach his mom to dance at age of 60 years old ; the video explain that no matter how older are we nothing can stop us to do what we believe that we can do it perfectly.This video has been viewed more than 29 million times on YouTube !!

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