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Video Name : PEOPLE ARE AWESOME 2014
Video Qualities : 140p, 280p, 360p, 480p, 720p (HD),
1080p (Full HD)
Posted Online : Published on Dec 16, 2014
Video Duration : 3 minutes 04 seconds
Views More than 3,492,512
Likes About 17,391
Dislikes About 221
 Description : This video of 3 minutes combines a lot of the best videos !! Only the best athletes and adventurers participated in this video !! In the first section of the video we see a dangerous moves like a guy jumping from high place with the Extreme Pogo and other guy do somersault on the highest building without any safe equipment !! This shows us how wonderful is this video !! On description you find the links where you can see all the videos which has been integrated in this video !! This video of 3 minutes has been viewed more than 3 million times on YouTube !!
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Video Name : Carlsson CLS 63 652 PS 0-333 km/h CK63 RS
Mercedes AMG Top Speed Tuning Test sport auto
Video Qualities : 140p, 280p, 360p, 480p, 720p (HD)
Posted Online : Published on Nov 15, 2012
Video Duration : 2 minutes 08 seconds
Views More than 1,240,451
Likes About 1,787
Dislikes About 78
 Description : If you're looking for the best and the fastest cars, the Mercedes AMG it's the best option for you !! Mercedes-AMG always focus on athletic performance and higher control and excellence in the design of the cars, and the result is a unique car puts it performed compared to those at the top !! Mercedes is available on a very powerful engine !! In this video the Carlsson CLS 63 has been record 333 km/h and this is top speed of this car !! This video of 2 minutes has been viewed more than 1 million times and get more than 1,639 Likes !!
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Video Name : Darcy Oake's jaw-dropping dove illusions | Britain's Got Talent 2014
Video Qualities : 140p, 280p, 360p, 480p, 720p (HD),
1080p (Full HD)
Posted Online : Published on Apr 19, 2014
Video Duration : 3 minutes 53 seconds
Views More than 44,621,188
Likes About 213,217
Dislikes About 5,104
 Description : Darcy is specialist in the illusion that adventure began when he was a child when his father bought him the game card after a small period it became a little professional he loved to do the show to people now he became a professional he choosed to participate in the british got talent that he believed that his dream becomes reality he wants him to win this competition to change his life and perform his skills ,he started with a magical transformation of a flame to one bird and the one becames two it and in the end the birds become a beautiful woman while people are surprised how he did that is the true magic !!  This video of 4 minutes has been viewed more than 44 million times and get more than 213,217 Likes !!
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Video Name : 'Gangnam Style' Mom and Son !!
Video Qualities : 140p, 280p, 360p, 480p, 720p (HD)
Posted online : Published on Sep 19, 2012
Video Duration : 3 minutes 19 seconds
Views : More than 29,544,378
Likes About 179,278
Dislikes About 5,737
Description This video talk about a mom and her son who performed the Gangam style dance , they do it as a team , the son is obviously talented as a dancer , as well as we see in the video . His mom asked her to teach her how to dance. Mike even his small age teach his mom to dance at age of 60 years old ; the video explain that no matter how older are we nothing can stop us to do what we believe that we can do it perfectly.This video has been viewed more than 29 million times on YouTube !!
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Video Name : Could it be magic with James More !!
 Week 7 Auditions | Britain's Got Talent 2013
Video Qualities : 140p, 280p, 360p, 480p, 720p (HD)
Posted Online : Published on May 26, 2013
Video Duration : 2 minutes 31 seconds
Views : More than  40,288,420
Likes About 86,355
Dislikes About 4,910
Description The video that we was seeing is taken from britain's got talent. Indeed the candidate is named James More, he said that he was a magician since he was 8 years old, after the presentation that he gaves to the jury the show began. At first, we think that he will dance, but the choregraphy was short, he takes a hanky on the floor, throw it but it flies to behind the curtains, then his asistant come on the scene with a sword he put it on the middle of the scene. Two men enter and carry james then put him on the sword after rotate James they leave the scene, the public wait to see what it will go, a few seconds after the sword crosses James's body everyone was chocked the jury and the public too they think that James was dead. The two men run into the scene again, carry James and put him down, he stands up and the public applauds. The jury was impressed that they all said yes for James. This video has been viewed more than 40 million times and get more than 86,355 Likes !!
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Video Name : Nina Burri: Spectacular Swiss Contortionist
 Gets Twisted - America's Got Talent 2014
Video Quality : 140p, 280p, 360p, 480p, 720p (HD),
1080p (Full HD)
Posted online : Published on Jun 22, 2014
Video Duration : 2 minutes 42 seconds
Views : More than 1,136,836
Likes : About 3,532
Dislikes : About 112
Description : Nina Burri 36 years old is contortionist, dancer and model.
In spite of her age, however, this talent girl from Switzerland Has been able to astound the judges of competition and audience too !!
This girl has the flexibility and suppleness and full control of her body !!
It was an amazing experience for her,and America's Got Talent was the beginning of the road to achieving her dream !!
This video has been viewed more than 1 million times !!
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Video Name : Baby Dancing to Beyonce - ORIGINAL !
Video Qualities : 140p, 280p, 360p, 480p
Posted online : Uploaded on Jan 26, 2009
Video Duration : 2 minutes 48 seconds
Views : More than 36,545,642
Likes : About 72,273
Dislikes : About 2,665
 Description : The father here take this opportunity of watching his young son who aged 2 years dancing to the rhythm of dance shows on television, to film his little boy !!  he has published the video on the YouTube at 2009, the father surprised when he saw the big number of views and how much comment !!  this little boy has been one of famous boys on youtube with his dance ! This video of two minutes has been viewed more than 36 million times and more than 72200 Likes.
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Video Name :  Miss Teen USA 2007 - South Carolina answers a question
Video Qualities : 140p, 280p, 360p, 480p
Posted online : Uploaded on Aug 24, 2007
Video Duration : 0 minutes 48 seconds
Views : More than 61,855,579
Likes : About 74,197
Likes : About 6,955
Description : When the commission member of Miss Teen USA 2007 asked to this concurrent who representing South Carolina to explain why 20% of Americans couldn't find the U.S. on a world map !! Caitlin Upton aged 18 year old answers sounded as if she wasn't sure herself !!
she said : " I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because .. uh .. some, uh .. people out there in our nation don't have maps and .. uh .. I believe that our education like such as in south africa and .. uh .. the Iraq .. everywhere like such as .. and .. I believe that they should .. our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S .. uh .. or .. should help south africa and should help the Iraq and the asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future for our children " !! This video of one minute has been viewed more than 61 million times.
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Video Name : Susan Boyle - Britains Got Talent 2009 Episode 1
Video Qualities : 140p, 280p, 360p
Posted online : April 11, 2009
Views : More than 164,684,808
Likes : About 450,801
Dislikes : About 15,007
Description : Human May appear with a very unusual appearance, that do not draw attention !! But behind this appearance we may find incredible things, Things very precious ! and this what Susan Boyle show it to the judges and audience and all people around the world on Britain's Got Talent !
When Susan Boyle enter the stage, she tell the judges that she dream to be a professional singer, all audience being made fun of this Britain's Got Talent for her age and frumpy appearance ! after one moment She unexpectedly brought all of them to applauds to her voice !! even the judges change their mind about her Talent !!
This video has been viewed more than 164 million times
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Video Name : Baby Laughing Hysterically at Ripping Paper (Original)
Video Qualities : 140p, 280p, 360p, 480p
Posted online :  Jan 24, 2011
Views : More than 75,549,951
Likes About 250,557
Dislikes About 8,844
Description In the video we can see a baby on a sofa with a sheet of paper in his hands. A few seconds after his father came beside take the paper and tear it, then the baby laughs, the more his father tear the paper the mores he laughs.
This video of two minutes has been viewed more than 75 million times on YouTube !!  and more than 250,557 Likes.

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