( Stupid Guy Hits Girlfriend ) More than 35 million views !!

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Video Name : Stupid guy hits girlfriend !
Video Qualities : 140p, 280p, 360p, 480p
Posted online : Uploaded on Mar 15, 2011
Video Duration : 1 minutes 16 seconds
Views : More than 35,087,123
Likes : About 86,071
Dislikes : About 33,122
Description : This video on youtube which is named " Stupid guy hits girlfriend ! " caused a sensation on youtube !! Someone in his car filmed a man meet his girlfriend in parking of the club !! This video begins with a man talking with his girlfriend, but she didn't listening to what he saying to her ! This act made him mad to the extent that he want to hit her !!
Suddenly an unexpected thing happened to change the situation, and save the girl ... !!
This video has been viewed more than 35 million times on YouTube !! It also has obtained more than 34,900 comment and about 86,071 Likes

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