( Lions Attack Car Full of People ) More than 1 million views !!

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Video Name : Lions Attack Car Full of People
Video Qualities : 140p, 280p, 360p, 480p, 720p (HD),
1080p (Full HD)
Posted Online : Published on Jul 24, 2014
Video Duration : 2 minutes 33 seconds
Views : More than 1,626,948
Likes About 1,980
Dislikes About 334
Description The lion is the largest ravenous animal in Africa !! Which means that do not play with him ever !! In this video, people in the car enjoy filming the lion who comes around them !! What they don't know is that you can't trust an animal in jungle, because he can do a dangerous and unexpected things to you !! Fortunately it all passed off peacefully without any injuries !! This video has been viewed more than million times !!

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